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Allergic Rash

Allergic rash occurs when the skin is irritated by a variety of factors. These include heat, food, chemicals, medications, plants and infections. When an allergen is responsible for triggering an immune response reaction, the skin rash is called an allergic dermatitis. The common allergens are nickel, perfumes, dyes, rubber and cosmetics

Treatment for allergic dermatitis

  • Skin allergy tests are undertaken when there is a suspected allergen and the test is done to confirm the allergen
  • Avoid the allergen
  • Topical steroid or topical calcineurin inhibitors

Allergic tests

  • Patch test to diagnose specific allergens
  • Skin prick tests
  • Specific IgE blood tests (RAST)
  • Open application test or challenge test

Hives or urticaria

Hives are itchy red bumps or patches on the skin. They last for a few minutes to a few hours. They can come and go over a few days. A bout of hives usually lasts less than 6 weeks (acute urticaria) but sometimes they last longer (chronic urticaria). Sometimes the skin around the eyes, mouth and genitals may be swollen (called angioedema). Hives are usually harmless but sometimes there may be breathing difficulties or swelling of the tongue or throat. This is a medical emergency and you need to seek help immediately. Hives may appear without a known trigger

Common Triggers for hives

  • Foods like eggs, peanuts, soy, seafood, citrus fruits
  • Medications like antibiotics or pain killers
  • Insect bites and stings
  • Food preservatives and colouring
  • Rubber
  • Infections
  • Exposure to sun, heat, cold, water, pressure
  • Exercise
  • Stress

Treatment for hives

  • Avoid trigger factors
  • Oral medication like antihistamines or steroids