Radiofrequency Fat Reduction
Cutera TruSculpt iD is a non-invasive body sculpting treatment using monopolar radiofrequency.
Cutera TruSculpt iD is a non-invasive body sculpting treatment using monopolar radiofrequency.
There are two types of wrinkles – static wrinkles and dynamic wrinklesStatic wrinkles are the fine lines, creases and folds that one see on the skin at rest and they are…
Spider veins are formed by the dilation of a small group of blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin. Although they can appear anywhere on the body, spider…
Pore size is genetically determined and it is impossible to get rid of large pores. There are however treatments to minimise the appearance of pore size.Factors that contribute to large…
Periorbital rejuvenation is one of the most important areas of rejuvenation of the aging face. The skin around the eyes are the thinnest skin on the face and shows early signs…
Non-surgical body contouring includes a combination of different treatments to treat the different body areas such as the skin...
The SkinTyte Skin Tightening Treatment utilizes advanced infrared light technology, and patient-tailored filters to deeply heat dermal...
HydraFacial MD Elite for skin brightening HydraFacial Elite is an award-winning noninvasive, non surgical, aesthetic skin treatment which...
There are many different types and causes of skin pigmentation. They can be broadly grouped into congenital birthmarks and acquired pigmentation, the non-birthmarks.Commonly seen pigmented birthmarksLentigenesCafé-au-liat macule (CALM)Naevus of Ota/…
The décolletage refers to the upper part of the body, comprising the neck, shoulders, back and upper chest, an area often exposed by the neckline of clothing. The skin here…