Benign skin growths do not require removal except
- When they develop complications and infection
- When they bother you or cause embarrassment
- When an aesthetic outcome is desired
Benign skin growths are removed by the following procedures
- Surgery
- Laser removal
- Cryosurgery
- Electrodessication
- Incision
Surgery to remove benign skin growths
- The area is anaesthetised
- The whole growth is removed in an elliptical incision with a scalpel or laser. Smaller skin growth can be removed with a disposable skin biopsy punch.
- The wound is closed with fine sutures along skin tension line to reduce scarring
- The wound is dressed
- Sutures are generally removed in 1-2 weeks
Laser surgery to remove benign skin growths
- The area is anaesthetised with topical anaesthesia
- An ablative laser is used to vaporise the skin growths
- A topical cream is applied over the wound
Cryosurgery to remove benign skin growths
- Liquid nitrogen is applied to the skin lesion using a cryo-spray gun for a specific period of time depending on the size and type of the skin growth
- Usually 2-3 freeze-thaw cycles are done
- The skin lesions will drop off within 1-2 weeks
Incision or curettage to remove skin growth
- The skin lesion is incised with a needle or scalpel and the contents including the sac evacuated
- The skin lesion can be scraped off with a skin curette
- The wound will heal spontaneously
Common benign growths that are removed in our clinic
Age spots, skin tags and seborrheic keratosis
Age spots are small brown or black spots often flat or protruding with a “stuck on” appearance and a rough and greasy surface (seborrheic keratosis). Skin tags are small skin outgrowths. These age spots, seborrheic keratosis and skin tags are seen on the face, neck, body and limbs. They increase in numbers as we age and are often seen during pregnancy. They are usually multiple and distributed on the face, body and limbs. They are treated with
- Ablative laser (CO2 or Er-YAG laser)
- Cryosurgery
- Electrodesiccation
- Shave excision

Milia are small white or yellow spots and are commonly seen in children and adults. They are benign and often go away on their own. They can be removed by
- Curettage
- Needle incision
- Rarely electrodessication or laser

Syringomas are growths of sweat glands seen usually around the eyes. They are commonly seen among Asians and there is usually a genetic predisposition. Over time, new ones may form and they often join together to form bigger growths. As they will continue to grow larger, they can be removed by
- Ablative laser (CO2 or Er-YAG laser)
- Surgery

Xanthelasma are raised yellow patches seen on the eyelids due to cholesterol deposits. Usually the cholesterol level is high but they can also be seen with normal blood cholesterol levels. Xanthelasma will continue to grow and may have to be removed. However, recurrence is common even when the blood cholesterol levels are normal. Removal is by
- Surgical excision
- Ablative laser (CO2 or Er- TAG laser)

Sebaceous hyperplasia
Sebaceous hyperplasia are small yellow bumps due to enlarged oil glands. They are firm and the edges are irregular and lobulated. If you look carefully, you can see a small punctum (hole) in the centre. They can be removed by
- Ablative laser (CO2 or Er-YAG laser)
- Curettage

Lipoma is a soft, rounded or lobulated bump on the skin and is movable against the overlying skin. It is made up of fat cells within a connective tissue framework. Lipomas can be single or multiple and are seen on the neck, trunk and limbs. They can be excised

Steatocystoma multiplex
Steatocystoma multiplex are cysts arising from the oil glands and hair unit (the pilosebaceous unit) during puberty. They are small, semi-translucent bumps that contain oily, yellow liquid. Sometimes they can become inflamed and heal with scarring. Steatocystoma multiplex are often seen in families. They are removed by
- Small incisions into the skin and the cysts and contents are extracted through the opening
- Other options include laser, electrosurgery, cryotherapy and surgery