The Broad Band Light technology
- The Broad Band Light covers a wide range of wavelengths from visible light to infrared light
- By selecting the appropriate wavelength or filter, Dr Joyce Lim will be able to treat a broad range of skin conditions caused by skin aging and sun exposure
- The Broad Band Light gently heats up the upper layers of the skin, thereby stimulating your skin cells to generate new collagen. This process helps restore the skin to its natural stage.

The science behind the Broad Band Light(BBL)
The BBL can cause a functional change in the regulators of aging and triggers a series of events to halt skin aging. BBL treatments done regularly every year can delay the signs of aging
- The BBL treatments can change the expression of genes associated with the aging process to more closely resemble young skin. This finding was published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology August 2012
- Regulators of aging can be altered in human skin using the BBL technology to provide a functional change, rather than just a cosmetic mimic of youthful appearance.
- BBL treatments promote the appearance of youthful skin.
- This study reveals that the appearance of young skin may be due to the differences observed in gene expression patterns of aged skin becoming more like young skin.

The Broad Band light treatment procedure
- Your eyes will be protected with safety shields
- A cold gel is applied to the area to be treated and the appropriate filter is chosen
- The BBL handpiece is gently applied to the skin to deliver pulses of light
- The BBL broadband light is non-invasive and safe with minimal discomfort. You may briefly feel a rubber band snap or warm sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas
- A smaller spot adaptor is used to treat small areas or curved areas
- The BBL procedure takes 20-30 minutes depending on the area being treated.
- You may experience some mild redness in the treated area immediately after which should resolve within the hour. For some pigmented lesions you will see a darkening of the treated areas followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage.
BBL High Energy Rapid Output (BBL HERO)
BBL is the upgrade version of the BBL (Broad band Light) machine with the following features:
- Broadband Light delivered through BBL HERO can address any visible pigment up to 800nm (deeper than the BBL version 1)
- BBL HERO delivers four times the speed, three times the peak power and two times the cooling for a fast, efficacious and comfortable treatment
- It allows for quick filter change and improved functionality and convenience
- Finesse adaptors snap on for quickly treating individual spots or small areas like tge upper lip
- There is no stamping or striping of the skin
- The BBL HERO allows doctors to treat the entire body.
- BBL HERO ForeverBody can be used on any area of the body to give a clear complexion from head to toe. It treats pigmentation, sun damage, and age spots on the body. The BBL HERO machine glides across the skin in a smooth motion using the broad band light technology to emit powerful and intense pulses of light
The content provided on this website is meant to supplement, not replace, the guidance of a doctor. It is not a substitute for their professional advice or consultation. If you need further information kindly get a consultation with Dr Joyce Lim.